def build(user, build_name): if not is_user_valid(user): redirect("/auth/login/") return False #do something here return create_building(build_name)
if not is_user_valid(user): redirect("/auth/login/") log_warning(" %s is trying to enter without permission!" %(user["name"])) return False
更痛苦的是,你要在每个出现if not is_user_valid(user)的地方增加log_warning这一行,这些时间足够你泡一壶好茶、听完一首《Poker Face》、tweet好几次、甚至修复了一个bug……
正如文章开头Time Peters所说的那样,总会有一个最好(合适)的方法来完成一件事。之后请教,就祭出Decorator。以下是我基于Decorator改写的验证代码:
def authenticated(method): def wrapper(user, *args): if not is_user_valid(user): redirect("/auth/login/") log_warning(" %s is trying to enter without permission!" %(user["name"])) return False return method(user, *args) return wrapper @authenticated def build(user, build_name): return create_building(build_name)
Decorator,修饰符,是在Python2.4中增加的功能,也是pythoner实现元编程的最新方式,同时它也是最简单的元编程方式。为什么是“最简单”呢?是的,其实在Decorator之前就已经有classmethod()和staticmethod()内置函数,但他们的缺陷是会导致函数名的重复使用(可以看看David Mertz的 ),以下是摘自他本人的原文:
class C: def foo(cls, y): print "classmethod", cls, y foo = classmethod(foo)
class C: @classmethod def foo(cls, y): print "classmethod", cls, y
读者也许已经想到Decorator在python中是怎么处理的了(如果还没头绪的,强烈建议先去看看limodou写的 )。下面我列出4种用法。
写法 | 使用Decorator | 不使用Decorator |
单个Decorator,不带参数 | @decdef method(args): pass | def method(args): passmethod = dec(method) |
多个Decorator,不带参数 | @dec_a@dec_b@dec_cdef method(args): pass | def method(args): passmethod = dec_a(dec_b(dec_c(method))) |
单个Decorator,带参数 | @dec(params)def method(args): pass | def method(args): passmethod = dec(params)(method) |
多个Decorator,带参数 | @dec_a(params1)@dec_b(params2)@dec_c(params3)def method(args): pass | def method(args): passmethod = dec_a(params1)(dec_b(params2)(dec_c(params)(method))) |
单个 Decorator,不带参数
def salesgirl(method): def serve(*args): print "Salesgirl:Hello, what do you want?", method.__name__ method(*args) return serve @salesgirl def try_this_shirt(size): if size < 35: print "I: %d inches is to small to me" %(size) else: print "I:%d inches is just enough" %(size) try_this_shirt(38)
Salesgirl:Hello, what do you want? try_this_shirt I:38 inches is just enough
这只是一个太简单的例子,以至一些“细节”没有处理好,你试穿完了好歹也告诉salesgirl到底要不要买啊。。。这样try_this_shirt方法需要改成带返回值 (假设是bool类型,True就是要买,False就是不想买),那么salesgirl中的serve也应该带返回值,并且返回值就是 method(*args)。
def salesgirl(method): def serve(*args): print "Salesgirl:Hello, what do you want?", method.__name__ return method(*args) return serve @salesgirl def try_this_shirt(size): if size < 35: print "I: %d inches is to small to me" %(size) return False else: print "I:%d inches is just enough" %(size) return True result = try_this_shirt(38) print "Mum:do you want to buy this?", result
Salesgirl:Hello, what do you want? try_this_shirt I:38 inches is just enough Mum:do you want to buy this? True
def salesgirl(method): def serve(*args): print "Salesgirl:Hello, what do you want?", method.__name__ result = method(*args) if result: print "Salesgirl: This shirt is 50$." else: print "Salesgirl: Well, how about trying another style?" return result return serve @salesgirl def try_this_shirt(size): if size < 35: print "I: %d inches is to small to me" %(size) return False else: print "I:%d inches is just enough" %(size) return True result = try_this_shirt(38) print "Mum:do you want to buy this?", result
Salesgirl:Hello, what do you want? try_this_shirt I:38 inches is just enough Salesgirl: This shirt is 50$. Mum:do you want to buy this? True
单个 Decorator,带参数
会报价并且带折扣的salesgirl:def salesgirl(discount): def expense(method): def serve(*args): print "Salesgirl:Hello, what do you want?", method.__name__ result = method(*args) if result: print "Salesgirl: This shirt is 50$.As an old user, we promised to discount at %d%%" %(discount) else: print "Salesgirl: Well, how about trying another style?" return result return serve return expense @salesgirl(50) def try_this_shirt(size): if size < 35: print "I: %d inches is to small to me" %(size) return False else: print "I:%d inches is just enough" %(size) return True result = try_this_shirt(38) print "Mum:do you want to buy this?", result
Salesgirl:Hello, what do you want? try_this_shirt I:38 inches is just enough Salesgirl: This shirt is 50$.As an old user, we promised to discount at 50% Mum:do you want to buy this? True
这里定义的salesgirl是会给客户50%的折扣,因为salesgirl描述符是带参数,而参数就是折扣。如果你是第一次看到这个 salesgirl,会被她里面嵌套的2个方法而感到意外,没关系,当你习惯了Decorator之后,一切都变得很亲切啦。